Our customers process solid materials to turn them into products or energy. The challenges of production are often multifaceted, for which there is often no standard solution. Our solutions are always more than a scanner or software ordered from the shelf. They are tailored to the customer's needs and are delivered installed and commissioned with their maintenance services.
Real-time fuel quality measurement system to replace sampling. Enables load-specific fuel pricing, contaminant removal, and immediate quality feedback to fuel suppliers. Also suitable for analysing moisture before boiler silos.
- Real-time determination of moisture, foreign matter content and energy content
- Verified technology for moisture measurement and foreign object identification (VN20190038)
- Safe electronic radiation source and comprehensive safety arrangements
- Up to 80% cheaper than automatic sampling systems
- Can be mounted on belt and chain conveyors
The patented storage model system tells you exactly what the plant has in the silos and when it is about to be incinerated. The storage model uses real-time fuel quality information and collects process and fuel data from the plant's other systems. Utilizable in the in the procurement of fuel and optimization of fuel mixtures in different load situations. Sold as an add-on to the scanner and machine vision system.
- Real-time energy content and moisture of silos
- Real-time fuel distribution in silos e.g. moisture, fuel type or elements.
- Enables comprehensive optimization of plant operations
The real-time measurement system is suitable for e.g. for measuring the moisture and quality of recycled materials, pulp wood chips and other biomass. Automates the quality control of raw materials and enables the control of the operation of crushers and other process equipment, for example.
- Real-time moisture content and foreign matter content
- Additional features depending on the application, such as particle size index and foreign object detection
- Increases production efficiency and improves the quality of the final product
- Can be mounted on belt and chain conveyors
The machine vision system takes pictures continuously of the material flow and classifies material automatically. The system saves images on a load-by-load basis in a database from which the correctness of the products can be easily verified even after years. The system can be utilized e.g. control of biofuel supplies.
- Automatic material detection
- Alarms of the wrong material
- Communicates with other plant systems, such as weight-bridge and automation systems
- Images are stored in the database by supplier and batch for later review
- The system can be taught to identify different types of materials
The measurement system automatically detects foreign objects from the material flow. Utilizable e.g. controlling of pulp wood chips, whole wood, pellets or recycled materials (eg paper and plastics) quality.
- Reliably identifies stones, metals, concrete blocks and hard plastics
- Freely adjustable detection and alarm limits
- Small footprint
- Easy installation on different types and sizes of conveyors
An analysis and reporting tool that allows you to monitor material quality in real time, view historical data, and make supplier-specific comparisons. Easy-to-use and informative software helps with daily raw material sourcing planning.
- User-friendly browser-based software
- Versatile data analysis tools
- Real-time X-ray video
- Reporting tools for different user groups
We provide services for the entire life cycle of our systems, from financing to service and maintenance. In addition, we offer measurement services for product development and problem solving, e.g. power plants, plant suppliers and research institutes.
- Service and maintenance
- Measurement quality assurance
- Radiation safety
- Measurement services
- Spare parts
- Leasing financing
See references from following link. Here are examples of our references:
- Helen - Helsinki
- Fortum Oyj – Kivenlahti
- Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy
- Vantaan Energia Oy
- Tornion Voima Oy
- Etelä-Savon Energia Oy
- UPM Kymmene Oyj – Jämsänkoski
- UPM Kymmene Oyj - Kaipola
Video: FUELCONTROL scanner
Article: Machine vision takes the quality control of biofuels to the next level
Article: Challenges of determining the moisture content in biofuels
Article: Inray measures fuel quality of ship deliveries
Article: Scanning the quality of waste fuels
Article: Total scanning eliminates the sampling errors
Article: Significant savings by measuring actual energy content of forest biomass