Photo: Unloading of solid biofuel delivery in Naantali
In 2018, Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy (TSE OY) invested in new “Meribio” conveyor belts for fuel deliveries from port to power station. Deliveries have been made since November 2018 and the fuel quality is measured primarily by Inray’s FuelControl -system. Inray’s measurement system is mounted on a belt conveyor with a maximum capacity of 800 m3/h. The system measures the moisture and volume of the fuel flow, and identifies foreign objects and fuel type. The size of the ships has so far been from 6,000 to 12,000 m3, but ships up to 25,000 m3 can come in the future. Measuring such large fuel quantities reliably with traditional sampling method is laborious and challenging. The FuelControl system has been verified taking hundreds of samples from shiploads, and based on the result, we have the ability to measure reliably fuel deliveries that also includes different fuel types. Together with the customer and the fuel suppliers, we are developing a system for identifying the fuel types.