Tampereen Sähkölaitos is a modern energy group that produces domestic, renewable energy and actively develops future energy solutions in Finland. The new Naistenlahti 3 power plant will replace the Naistenlahti 2 power plant that has reached the end of its technical lifetime. The new biomass-fired boiler plant at Naistenlahti is a CFB boiler. The main fuels for the new boiler are solid wood fuels and A- and B-class recycled wood. Other fuels include C-class demolition wood, solid recovered fuel (SRF) and milled peat. The power plant will be ready for commercial use at the end of the year 2022.
Inray Ltd will supply the plant with two FUELCONTROL ® fuel quality measurement systems. For fuel reception, the plant has two separate reception lines, each equipped with its own systems. The systems produce real-time measurement data on fuel moisture and the content of foreign objects. In fuel reception, the systems also determine the load-specific energy content. Delivery is scheduled for 2022.
For more information about the project, please visit: https://naistenlahti.fi/en/