Welcome to participate in a study which seeks to understand the possibilities of using machine vision in the quality control of recycled fuels! The research is part of an insinööri (AMK) / Bachelor of Engineering thesis, which consists of a qualitative thematic interview that has already been completed, and this quantitative survey which consists of the participants’ answers to the attached survey. Your contact information will not be added to a commercial or stored register.
By continuing with the survey, you confirm your consent to participate in the study. At the beginning of the survey, you will be asked to confirm your experience of working with recycled fuels (recycled wood or SRF fuel). The survey is anonymous, and it is possible to answer it in Finnish or English.
I would be grateful if, through you, the survey would also reach others who have experience of recovered wood or solid recovered fuels (SRF). Please, take part in the survey here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/A736A452A687AF47
Information for participants and the participant’s consent form can be found in the attachments of this email. You can ask for more information about the survey, participation in it or other issues related to this survey before or after participating in the survey.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation
Kati Nikkilä
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu